Download e-book for kindle: American Difference: American Politics from a Comparative by Lori Poloni-Staudinger,Michael R. Wolf

By Lori Poloni-Staudinger,Michael R. Wolf

analyzing democracies from a comparative point of view is helping us higher comprehend why politics—or “who will get what, whilst, and how”—differs between democracies. In American distinction: American Politics from a Comparative Perspective, authors Lori M. Poloni-Staudinger and Michael R. Wolf take the reader via diversified elements of democracy—political tradition, associations, curiosity teams, political events and elections—and discover how the united states is either diverse from and just like different democracies. utilized in conjunction with a textbook for classes in creation to American Politics, creation to Comparative Politics, or advent to Politics, this ebook will supply extra context and deepen scholars’ knowing of key political concepts.

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American Difference: American Politics from a Comparative Perspective by Lori Poloni-Staudinger,Michael R. Wolf

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