By J Alechno
Normal facial epidermis cleansing
Herbal tinctures and extracts for regular facial skin
Cleansing creams for regular facial skin
Masks for regular facial skin
Creams and oils for regular facial skin
Skin care recipes for greasy facial skin:
Oily facial epidermis cleansing
Tinctures for shiny facial pores and skin cleansing
Herbal tinctures and extracts for shiny facial skin
Lotions, bathroom water and milk for shiny facial skin
Compresses for greasy facial skin
Cleansing mask for greasy facial skin
Moisturizing mask for greasy facial skin
Astringent mask for greasy facial skin
Nourishing mask for greasy facial skin
Toning mask for shiny facial skin
Creams and ointments for greasy facial skin
Skin care recipes for dry facial skin:
Washing, purifying for dry facial skin
Cleansing mask for dry facial skin
Moisturizing and freshening mask for dry facial skin
Softening mask for dry facial skin
Nourishing diet mask for dry facial skin
Creams, oils and ointments for dry facial skin
Skin care recipes for mixed facial skin:
Lotions, natural tinctures and cream for mixed facial skin
Masks for mixed facial skin
Skin care recipes for withering facial skin:
Herbal tinctures, decoctions and infusions for withering facial skin
Lotions for withering facial skin
Rejuvenating mask for withering facial skin
Creams for withering facial skin
Skin care recipes for problem-prone face skin:
Problem-prone facial pores and skin susceptible to inflammation and irritation cleansing
Infusions and creams for problem-prone facial dermis prone to inflammation and inflammations
Masks for problem-prone facial dermis susceptible to inflammation and inflammations
Tinctures for pimples dermis care
Plant extracts, tinctures and juices for pimples dermis care
Lotions for zits epidermis care
Compresses for pimples dermis care
Masks for zits epidermis care
Compresses for facial pores and skin with pimples rosacea
Masks for facial dermis with pimples rosacea
Tinctures, infusions and decoctions for bleaching facial dermis with pigment spots and freckles
Lotions for facial pores and skin with pigment spots and freckles
Bleaching mask for facial dermis with pigment spots and freckles
Bleaching lotions for facial epidermis with pigment spots and freckles
Sunburn protection
Compresses on sunburns
Masks on sunburns
Skin care recipes for the surface round the eyes:
Anti-wrinkle recipes for pores and skin round the eyes
Compresses for darkish circles round the eyes
Compresses and mask for edemas below the eyes
Compresses, baths and mask for eye inflammation, irritation and edematous eyelids
Lip care recipes:
Vitamin and nourishing lip masks
Oil, ointments, lotions for lip care
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Beauty Advice by J Alechno
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