Berber Morphology. Introductory Notes by Youcef Hdouch PDF

By Youcef Hdouch

study Paper (undergraduate) from the 12 months 2016 within the topic Speech technology / Linguistics, , direction: Morphology, language: English, summary: Berber, an Afro-asiatic language spoken in North Africa, is without doubt one of the endangered languages within the sector. this is why globalisation has became cognizance in the direction of hyper-central and super-central languages like English and French. hence, it really is sensible to give a synopsis of its linguistic elements inviting students from varied faculties to enquire matters when it comes to segmental, suprasegmental and observe formation processes.
In specific, this text goals to make clear points of Berber nominal and verbal morphology and affixation. so far as the previous is worried, gender and quantity might be highlighted. As to moment, verb constitution might be analysed, peculiarities of aspectual stems and derivation mentioned. eventually, we finish via contemplating different affixes that connect to verb stems.

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Berber Morphology. Introductory Notes by Youcef Hdouch

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