Download e-book for iPad: Birdsong, Speech, and Language: Exploring the Evolution of by Johan J. Bolhuis,Martin Everaert,Robert C. Berwick,Noam

By Johan J. Bolhuis,Martin Everaert,Robert C. Berwick,Noam Chomsky

Scholars have lengthy been captivated via the parallels among birdsong and human speech and language. during this booklet, best students draw at the most up-to-date study to discover what birdsong can let us know in regards to the biology of human speech and language and the results for evolutionary biology. After outlining the fundamental concerns keen on the examine of either language and evolution, the participants examine birdsong and language when it comes to acquisition, recursion, and middle structural houses, after which learn the neurobiology of music and speech, genomic components, and the emergence and evolution of language. ContributorsHermann Ackermann, Gabriël J.L. Beckers, Robert C. Berwick, Johan J. Bolhuis, Noam Chomsky, Frank Eisner, Martin Everaert, Michale S. cost, Olga Fehér, Simon E. Fisher, W. Tecumseh Fitch, Jonathan B. Fritz, Sharon M.H. Gobes, Riny Huijbregts, Eric Jarvis, Robert Lachlan, Ann legislations, Michael A. lengthy, Gary F. Marcus, Carolyn McGettigan, Daniel Mietchen, Richard Mooney, Sanne Moorman, Kazuo Okanoya, Christophe Pallier, Irene M. Pepperberg, Jonathan F. Prather, Franck Ramus, Eric Reuland, Constance Scharff, Sophie ok. Scott, Neil Smith, Ofer Tchernichovski, Carel ten Cate, Christopher ok. Thompson, Frank Wijnen, Moira Yip, Wolfram Ziegler, Willem Zuidema

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Birdsong, Speech, and Language: Exploring the Evolution of Mind and Brain (MIT Press) by Johan J. Bolhuis,Martin Everaert,Robert C. Berwick,Noam Chomsky

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