Bloomsbury, Modernism, and the Reinvention of Intimacy by Jesse Wolfe PDF

By Jesse Wolfe

Bloomsbury, Modernism, and the Reinvention of Intimacy integrates reviews of six participants and colleagues of the Bloomsbury staff right into a wealthy narrative of early 20th century tradition, encompassing alterations within the demographics of personal and public existence, and Freudian and sexological attacks on middle-class proprieties Jesse Wolfe exhibits how quite a few modernist writers felt torn among the inherited associations of monogamy and marriage and rising theories of sexuality which challenged Victorian notions of maleness and femaleness. For Wolfe, this ambivalence was once a chief resource of the Bloomsbury writers' aesthetic power: Virginia Woolf, D. H. Lawrence, and others introduced the paradoxes of contemporary intimacy to exciting lifestyles at the web page. through combining literary feedback with forays into philosophy, psychoanalysis, sociology, and the avant-garde paintings of Vienna, this e-book deals a clean account of the reciprocal kin among tradition and society in that key web site for literary modernism often called Bloomsbury.

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Bloomsbury, Modernism, and the Reinvention of Intimacy by Jesse Wolfe

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