Download PDF by David Bradshaw,Kevin J. H. Dettmar: A Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture (Blackwell

By David Bradshaw,Kevin J. H. Dettmar

The Companion combines a vast grounding within the crucial texts and contexts of the modernist move with the original insights of students whose careers were dedicated to the research of modernism.

  • An crucial source for college students and academics of modernist literature and culture
  • Broad in scope and entire in coverage
  • Includes greater than 60 contributions from essentially the most exclusive modernist students on either side of the Atlantic
  • Brings jointly entries on components of modernist tradition, modern highbrow and aesthetic pursuits, and all of the genres of modernist writing and art
  • Features 25 essays at the sign texts of modernist literature, from James Joyce’s Ulysses to Zora Neal Hurston’s Their Eyes have been observing God
  • Pays shut cognizance to either British and American modernism

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A Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture) by David Bradshaw,Kevin J. H. Dettmar

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