Download e-book for iPad: Captive: Based on a True Story by P. Gifford Longley

By P. Gifford Longley

He smelled back the musty stench. He gagged. He reckoned it to be the scent of blood, the rotting scalps that have been tied to the Indian's belt fresh sufferers. In his dread, he made no sound.

Captive is the real tale of a family members torn aside by means of the detest, racism, and greed that fed on brutal colonial New England. Twelve-year-old John's mom and dad and siblings are massacred by way of the Abenaki Indians, and he's kidnapped. Irrevocably separated from his household, John needs to be able to outlive between his violent captors, utilizing ability and wit to adapt.

A complete 12 months after the awful bloodbath of Groton, Jack maintains to mourn the loss of life of his brother's kin and look for a manner, any method, to discover his nephew John. yet in all that point there has no longer been a unmarried lead in regards to the lacking little ones of Groton. determined and heartsick, Jack gambles on Hector, a local American dealer. The wily Indian swears to bring John, yet for an obscene sum of money. whether the Abenaki are approached and John situated, will Hector bring the Captive?

'Captive isn't 'dumbed down' history...I had goose bumps, anxiously puzzling over what might ensue next!'
Kara Fossey, Groton old Society

The better half quantity, Compelled, completes the tale of Captive.

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Captive: Based on a True Story by P. Gifford Longley

by Daniel

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