Download PDF by Hazel Hunter: Hollow City Coven - The Complete Series Box Set: An MMF

By Hazel Hunter

For a headstrong witch on a deadly quest, just one factor stands in her approach: her attractive protector.

"Dark erotic awesome."


Although Wiccan Gillian Granger’s life’s paintings is discovering a mythical urban, her learn in musty libraries hasn’t ready her for fieldwork. upload a beautiful escort, and he or she is totally out of her depth.

Shayne Savatier understands he’s on a milk run, specially after he meets his appealing cost. but if enemies assault her, every little thing adjustments in a heartbeat. The project turns lethal, ardour intertwines with security, and responsibility bonds challenging with desire.


A frightful vacation spot. A love that's destined. A struggle to stick together.

As Gillian and Shayne embark at the subsequent step in their trip, it takes an unforeseen flip. Aboard a boat with an eerie captain and unusual first mate, their passionate new dating is positioned to the try. yet ultimately making landfall on the fabled hour of darkness industry simply compounds their troubles.

As Gillian searches desperately for the skill to proceed her quest, Shayne struggles to guard her. although she’s pursued and seized at each flip, her personal obsession is her undoing. within the nighttime marketplace there's just one legislation: every little thing is on the market. Everything.

TRAPPED (Book 3)

A lover from the earlier. A dream remembered. A sensual awakening.

As Gillian ways her aim, it merely turns into extra elusive. close to the mythical urban of Tenebris, attackers within the distant desolate tract of Cappadocia will cease at not anything to work out her fail. although she and Shayne have aid, their new significant other is a complication.

As diversified from Shayne as might be, the mercurial Mathias is a breath of unpolluted air. even though he and Shayne have a background, he makes no excuses approximately his hope for Gillian. yet for her half, Gillian senses greater than simply charm. She and Mathias stroll in footsteps that they’ve someway trod ahead of. however the unusual déjà vu isn't the worst half. Their dim stories combine with vibrant goals, and in these desires she dies.

HAUNTED (Book 4)

An undead urban. An ill-fated love. A nightmare relived.

Wiccan researcher Gillian Granger can hardly ever think she’s reached her life’s target, however the accomplishment is tempered. the traditional urban of Tenebris holds as many terrors because it does wonders. As she and Shayne wander its ghostly streets, Gillian needs to ultimately admit she’s been there before.

But because the bond among her and Shayne grows ever deeper, they locate that the city’s declare on him is simply as robust. notwithstanding Gillian had as soon as dreamed of discovering the hole urban, now she’ll do whatever to escape.


A far away time. varied fanatics. a similar end.

The tragic prior of Tenebris unfolds, as Galia, Mina, and Strayke input the hole urban as slaves. notwithstanding destiny bargains them one merciless blow after one other, they be able to locate solace of their love. however the Goddess of Tenebris has a special plan for Galia. even though destined for excellent issues, Galia rebels with a bold plan. in simple terms too past due does she study it's going to certain a poor price.

REBORN (Book 6)

A position of loss of life. A time for romance. A passionate cycle turns.

On their go back to Göreme, Gillian and Shayne are eventually reunited with Mathias. however it turns out they’ve simply again to die at Templar palms. fortunately aid arrives from where they’d least count on it. yet to Gillian’s horror, their rescue comes with a perilous cost.

"This exceptional and precise tale melted my heart." - Kindle Reviewer
"Fabulous learn. Gripping." - Kindle Reviewer
"Epic!!!" - Kindle Reviewer

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Hollow City Coven - The Complete Series Box Set: An MMF Paranormal Romance Series by Hazel Hunter

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