Download PDF by Patricia B. Burnette: James F. Jaquess: Scholar, Soldier and Private Agent for

By Patricia B. Burnette

Tall, good-looking and charismatic, James Jaquess inspired males and charmed women who knew him as a preacher, a faculty president or colonel of an Illinois regiment. In 1864 he and James Gilmore talked to Jefferson Davis approximately phrases of peace. Lincoln well-known his many talents and invited Jaquess to function certainly one of his own brokers. yet after the Civil conflict ended, this biography unearths, Jaquess’ existence replaced for the more severe. He was once attempted in Kentucky for the dying of a girl and failed as a carpetbagger in Arkansas and Mississippi. Then he confident his friends and family in Indiana and various citizens of latest York to take a position in Lawrence-Townley bonds and percentage in a fortune ready in England. This enterprise resulted in poverty for him and a sentence in a British criminal. whilst he again to the US for his ultimate years, Jaquess nonetheless held the dignity of the boys of the 73rd Infantry and the love of the ladies who knew him as president in their university in Jacksonville. His misadventures having grew to become his black hair to white, he nonetheless possessed the aura that had resulted in his nationwide fame.

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James F. Jaquess: Scholar, Soldier and Private Agent for President Lincoln by Patricia B. Burnette

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