By Julian M. Gálvez

This publication addresses a subject matter as but no longer thought of in philosophy: if our ontology -that is: if the excellent relatives and sessions our judgment operates with- suffices and is the proper for a proof and correct notion of the area.
It is defined how those ultimate kin and sessions of items, opposite to ontological relativism, play a big epistemic position; how, opposite to Kant, they permit to span the space among the exceptional and noumenal, that's, among the psychological and the area; and the way they restrict our cognition quantitatively and qualitatively to a minimal point of what has to be purported to exist for fact to be possible.
In it really is proven, that an evidence and qualitatively right belief of truth calls for of upper orders of simple ontological kinfolk and different types to those our judgment operates with, if now not a non-relational demeanour of cognition; and that our wisdom of the area is limited to what might be intellectually accessed with the elemental ontological relatives and different types that our judgment operates with.

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OUR INCORRIGIBLE ONTOLOGICAL RELATIONS AND CATEGORIES OF BEING: causal and limiting factors of objective knowledge by Julian M. Gálvez

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