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By Suhario Padmodiwiryo,Frank Palmos

Newly liberated from approximately 4 brutal years less than jap regulate the folk of Indonesia confronted nice uncertainty in October 1945. because the British military tried to take keep watch over of town of Surabaya preserve order and care for surrendered eastern body of workers their activities have been interpreted via the younger citizens of Surabaya as a plan to revive Dutch colonial rule. In reaction the adolescence of the town seized eastern fingers and repelled the strength despatched to occupy the town. They then held off British reinforcements for 2 weeks struggling with tanks and heavy artillery with little greater than gentle guns and sheer audacity. even though finally defeated Surabaya’s defenders had set the level for Indonesia’s nationwide revolution.

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Revolution in the City of Heroes: A Memoir of the Battle that Sparked Indonesia’s National Revolution by Suhario Padmodiwiryo,Frank Palmos

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