Download PDF by Marian Elizabeth Pritchard,Rose Le Quesne: The Cult of Chiffon: An Edwardian Manual of Adornment

By Marian Elizabeth Pritchard,Rose Le Quesne

"The topic of girl, that's to assert, the fashionable lady, along with her various instincts, goals, and peculiarities on my own may fill many huge volumes. i believe certain, for this reason, to restrict myself to the dialogue of 1 specific aspect of her nature, one for which for my part i've got so much sympathy, and one that maybe can most sensible be defined by way of the epithet 'womanly.'"
Originally released in 1902, this tremendous infrequent quantity bargains a outstanding photo of the modern Edwardian lady. the writer — model editor for The Lady's Realm, a per 30 days London journal for extra "enlightened" readers — deals wealthy assistance on the right way to domesticate allure and social status during the sophisticated artwork of gown.
Illustrated style counsel characteristic quite a lot of suggestion on corsets, petticoats, hats, jewellery, shoes, add-ons, and extra, with chapters on "The All-Important query of Colour," "Hats chic and Ridiculous," "The Revival of models of the Past," and "The Aggressiveness of the shrewdpermanent Woman." a variety of classic ads for London-area type retailers can also be included.

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The Cult of Chiffon: An Edwardian Manual of Adornment by Marian Elizabeth Pritchard,Rose Le Quesne

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