Download PDF by Simon Chauchard: Why Representation Matters: The Meaning of Ethnic Quotas in

By Simon Chauchard

whilst individuals of teams that experience lengthy been marginalized ultimately achieve entry to political workplaces, it's anticipated that the social that means of belonging to the sort of crew will swap and that those mental adjustments could have far-reaching behavioral effects. Supporters of political quotas granting such entry usually argue that they increase the character of intergroup family members. notwithstanding, those presumed mental results have remained strangely uncharted and untested. Do guidelines mandating the inclusion of excluded teams in political workplaces swap the intergroup kin? if this is the case, in what methods? through drawing on cautious multi-method explorations of a unmarried case - local-level electoral quotas for participants of previously 'untouchable' castes in India - this ebook offers nuanced, thorough and eventually positive responses to those questions.

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Why Representation Matters: The Meaning of Ethnic Quotas in Rural India by Simon Chauchard

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